Traveling Doula Services in Aurora , CO

Every pregnancy is a unique miracle. Little Hands, Big Heart Doula Services can help guide you on your birthing journey.
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Placenta Encapsulation Services near Aurora , CO

At Little Hands, Big Heart Doula Services, I offer Placenta Encapsulation.

The placenta is considered a sacred medicine, a "full of life" organ, and placenta remedies are an important part of birthing history.

Along with Encapsulation, I also offer Placenta Salves, Tinctures, Print and Dried keepsakes to ensure your body is given back those extra nutrients that grew your baby for 9 months and to remember this special moment forever.

Price dependent on package chosen! Please reach out today for more information. 
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You are strong, and braver than you know.


Call 303.472.8047 for a complimentary consultation. ​

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